Wholesale Gorilla Plan Comparison

Go feature by feature to see which plan is right for you!

Lite $34.95
Advanced $69.95
Premium $149.95
Customizable Wholesale Shop
Unlimited pricing rules: entire store, collections, products, & product variants
Custom pricing for customer groups
Basic wholesale account signup form
Shopify Markets- sell in international currencies & translate to your customers' language
Create manual orders
Live Support (chat & email)
International Draft Checkout Option
Cart Note Customization Options (Po)
Discount Codes
Cart Subtotal Discounts
Wholesale Order & Customer Analytics
CSV Discount Tools - Pre-populated Export & Importing
Wholesale Shipping options and rates
Optional theme integration
Quick Order Form (Industry best)
Net Checkout Terms
Hide products from retail or wholesale customers
Auto-tagging and auto-activation on registration form
Create Order Limits for products
Custom Handling Fee for Wholesale Shipping
Customizable signup form
Customer-specific payment terms
Advanced customer exclusions: hide/show products to specific customers
Volume discounts (i.e. Buy X quantity of a product, to receive Y% discount)
Ability to restrict access to some / all of your store for specific customers
File upload: Require users to upload files when they sign up for an account
Premium Support (always top of queue)
Dedicated onboarding assistance
Customizable Wholesale Shop
Unlimited pricing rules: entire store, collections, products, & product variants
Custom pricing for customer groups
Basic wholesale account signup form
Shopify Markets- sell in international currencies & translate to your customers' language
Create manual orders
Live Support (chat & email)
Wholesale Shipping options and rates
Optional theme integration
Quick Order Form (Industry best)
Net Checkout Terms
Hide products from retail or wholesale customers
Auto-tagging and auto-activation on registration form
Create Order Limits for products
CSV wholesale price upload
Customizable signup form
Customer-specific payment terms
"Advanced customer exclusions: hide/show products to specific customers"
Volume discounts (i.e. Buy X quantity of a product, to receive Y% discount)
Ability to restrict access to some / all of your store for specific customers
File upload: Require users to upload files when they sign up for an account
Premium Support (always top of queue)
Dedicated onboarding assistance
Standard Plan for $39.95/mo
Premium Plan for $149.95/mo
Premium Plan for $149.95/mo
Tailored Wholesale Checkout Experience
Supports for Shopify Markets
Net Checkout
Wholesale shipping rules
Product Exclusions
Quick Order Form
Ship partial/complete
Wholesale Registration Form
Set min/mult/max Rules
Customizable Registration Form with file uploads
Customer-specific payments terms
Advanced customer exclusions:
hide/show products to specific customers
CSV wholesale price upload
Product quantity discounts (i.e. Buy X quantity of a product, to receive Y% discount)
Page Locks; restrict access to some or all of your store for specific customers
Require login to view prices

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