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Retail Ready: Your One-Stop Guide to Creating Line Sheets For Wholesale

If your eCommerce company is looking to revamp its store’s wholesale inventory, a line sheet is a helpful tool to provide pricing and ordering information for your offerings. Customers can then use your line sheets to make more informed wholesale ordering decisions. 

In this Wholesale Gorilla guide, we’ll outline: 

  • What is a Wholesale Line Sheet
  • The Benefits of Using Line Sheets for Wholesale 
  • Types of Line Sheets 
  • What Components Should Be Used in a Line Sheet 
  • How to Create a Line Sheet for Wholesale 
  • Why Wholesale Gorilla Is Your Top Choice For Creating Line Sheets

What Is A Wholesale Line Sheet?

A line sheet is a type of document used in the wholesale industry to provide retailers with information about a company’s products and pricing. 

Line sheets are typically offered by manufacturers and distributors to communicate the details of their products to potential buyers and can include a variety of information such as product images, descriptions, and wholesale pricing. 

 Benefits Of Using Line Sheets For Wholesale

Increased Visibility

  • Line sheets boost product visibility, as they provide retailers with a comprehensive overview of what products you have to offer. This complete picture can help to attract more buyers and drive sales.

Streamlined Ordering Process

Improved Communication

  • Line sheets make communications between you and your buyers smoother because you will be providing a clear picture of your products and pricing. This helps get everyone on the same page when it comes to orders.

Increased Profits

  • By providing retailers with an easy-to-understand line sheet with multiple product options, you can increase your profits by encouraging customers to place additional orders. Upselling via line sheets is a super effective way to increase your bottom line.

Improved Brand Recognition

  • A line sheet is another way to highlight your brand, as it provides retailers with a comprehensive overview of your products and pricing. The unified look of a line sheet will make it easier for buyers to recognize your products in the future.

Types Of Line Sheets

Line sheets of several different types can be used in the wholesale industry depending on the specific needs of the manufacturer or distributor, as well as the products being offered for sale. 

Some common types of line sheets include:

Product Line Sheets

Product Line Sheets focus primarily on the products being offered for sale and include detailed information about each product, such as images, descriptions, and pricing.

Collection Line Sheets

Collection Line Sheets are used to showcase a specific collection of products, rather than individual products. They share the overall theme or aesthetic of the collection, as well as images and pricing for each product in the collection.

Digital Line Sheets

A Digital Line Sheet is simply an electronic version of a traditional line sheet, often in PDF format and shared via email or a website. This allows for easy accessibility and faster communication with retailers. Here is an example of a digital line sheet. 

Lookbook Line Sheets

Lookbook Line Sheets are used to showcase a complete collection of products in a visually appealing and engaging format, often with images of models wearing or using the products in different settings.

Seasonal Line Sheets

Seasonal Line Sheets showcase the products that are only available for a specific season. They also share updates about the products that are being phased out or discontinued, as well as new product offerings. 

Custom Line Sheets

Custom Line Sheets are tailored to the specific needs of a retailer or group of retailers and may include additional information or a different format than a standard line sheet.

What Components Should Be Included In The Line Sheet?

Here are some common elements that should be included in a line sheet:

Company Information

Company Information typically includes the name and contact of the manufacturer or distributor, as well as any relevant details such as the company’s mission statement or history.

Product Information

Product Information shares details about the products being offered for sale, such as product images, descriptions, and pricing. It may also include information about the materials used, size, care instructions, and any other details about the product necessary for your customers to understand.

Ordering Information

Ordering Information outlines how retailers can place orders for the products, such as minimum order quantities, lead times, and payment terms.

Shipping And Logistics

The Shipping and Logistics section shares how the products will be delivered to retailers, including shipping times, costs, and any other relevant logistics details.

Contact Information

This section includes the contact information for the manufacturer or distributor, such as a phone number, email address, and website, so that retailers can get in touch with the company if they have any questions or need more information.

Additional Information

Additional Information you may want to include on a line sheet could include company policies, warranty details, or any other relevant details that the manufacturer or distributor wants to share with potential buyers.

How To Create A Line Sheet For Wholesale

Creating a line sheet for wholesale can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these steps, you can create an effective and professional line sheet that will help you communicate your products and pricing to potential buyers.

Gather Your Product Information

The first step in creating a line sheet is to gather all of the necessary information about your products. This includes product photos, descriptions, wholesale price information, order forms, and terms. Line sheets can also be packaged nicely to include a front cover, about page, and back cover. 

Choose A Format

Once you have all of the necessary information, you can decide on the format for your line sheet. 

You can choose from a variety of design formats outlined above, such as a Product Line Sheet, Collection Line Sheet, Digital Line Sheet, Lookbook Line Sheet, or Seasonal Line sheet. Most line sheets fall between the range of 5 to 15 pages

Design Your Line Sheet

Once you have chosen a format for your line sheet, it’s time to design it. You can use a line sheet template or create your own design from scratch.

No matter which template or design you choose, you’ll want to make sure that it looks neatly packaged, visually appealing, on brand, and professional. 

Finalize Your Line Sheet

Once you have designed your line sheet, it’s time to finalize it by adding any additional information that may be necessary, ensuring your photos have the proper resolution for printing (if necessary), and–most importantly–proofreading for grammar and accuracy. 

Share Your Line Sheet And Gather Feedback

The last step is to share your line sheet with potential buyers! You can publish your line sheet to your website, send it to your email subscribers, or even hand it out in-person.

Once you have distributed your line sheet, it’s important to follow up with potential buyers and answer any questions they may have. 

You should also be prepared to make any necessary changes or adjustments based on feedback from buyers. 

Additionally, you will want to keep your line sheet up-to-date with new products and pricing information as needed. 

By following these steps, you can create an effective and professional line sheet that will help you communicate your products and pricing to potential buyers.

Grow Your eCommerce Business With Wholesale Gorilla

Wholesale Gorilla is the wholesale portal for Shopify that helps eCommerce businesses unlock new growth opportunities, enhance operational efficiency, and pave the way for long-term success.

By streamlining the process of managing wholesale orders, Wholesale Gorilla allows businesses to easily handle large volumes of sales and maintain efficient inventory management. 

Plus, our platform’s seamless and professional buying experience helps eCommerce businesses boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

Simply put–our customers use Wholesale Gorilla to keep their eyes on selling products and building their brands. Click here to learn more about how Wholesale Gorilla can transform your wholesale business! 

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